Best of ice cream in New York | part 1

[part 2 here]
[part 3 here]

My little duck,

If you are following me on Instagram, you couldn’t have missed the crazy amount of ice cream I ate this summer. Yes, BUT, it was for science the blog. Well, this summer I worked hard to find the best ice cream in New York and you know what? I loved it (my butt not as much, though!) Anyway, wanna feel summer a little bit longer and find out about the best ice cream in The City? Follow me, c’est par ici!

The most vegan friendly: 

manhattan brooklyn visit grande pomme green card bonne adresse ou manger decouvrirPeanut Butter Chocolate chip & Banana Nut (vegan)

To try for: their (numerous) vegan flavors as well as the “limited time flavors”.

Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream + Foodtruck
48 E 7th Street
New York (East Village)
(And more in Brooklyn and West Village)

my review:34

The most original:

manhattan brooklyn visit grande pomme green card bonne adresse ou manger decouvrirTico time (guava, chili lime plaintain chip) & Food Baby (raisins, donuts crumbs, raspberry coulis and rainbow sprinkles


To try for: their super inventive flavors and their homemade colored cones (on the picture: “pink macaroon”.)

Ice & Vice
221 E Broadway
New York (Lower East Side)

The most famous:

manhattan brooklyn visit grande pomme green card bonne adresse ou manger decouvrir
Cereal milk & fruit céréal milk

To try… or not! It happens sometimes with famous places (hey, Shake Schack!) but I don’t get why everybody is so crazy about it: it tasted like (not so fresh) milk and they only had 2 flavors to choose from. Also, the thing started melting like crazy even before we stepped out of the place.

Momofuku Milk Bar
251 E 13th Street
New York (East Village)

Le plus trendiest:

manhattan brooklyn visit grande pomme green card bonne adresse ou manger decouvrirCoconut ash & Butter Pécan

To try for: their now famous “coconut ash”, a form of activated charcoal that somehow became very hype these past months (you should see the line sometimes!!) The taste is subtle and delicate, the color is super nice and it’s Instagram material! Loved it (especially the Butter Pecan one, I must admit!)

Morgenstern Finest Ice Cream
2 Rivington Street
New York (Bowery)


The biggest choice: 

manhattan brooklyn visit grande pomme green card bonne adresse ou manger decouvrirPeanut butter & cantaloupe + Chocolat & Mango

To try for: the HUGE amount of flavors available. Including some… interesting ones! (Cheddar cheese!)

Il Laboratorio del Gelato
Ludlow Street
New York (Lower East Side)

The craziest:

manhattan brooklyn visit grande pomme green card bonne adresse ou manger decouvrir

Rock Mountain (Chocolate and more chocolate dipped in chocolate with chocolate dipped marshmallows!) & Mermaid (vanilla, key lime curd, graham crackers, whipped cream)

To try for: their amazingly creative visual communication and the great amount of foodporn they serve!

Big Gay ice Cream
125 E 7th Street
New York (East Village)
(Aussi présent dans West Village)

The most Brooklyn:

manhattan brooklyn visit grande pomme green card bonne adresse ou manger decouvrirLe sunday, 3 flavors your choice, chocolate sauce, brownies chunks and whipped cream.

To try for: the sundae, 3 ice cream flavors, topped with an homemade salted caramel sauce and big chunks of chocolate brownie.

OldFellows Ice Cream
125 Kent Avenue
Brooklyn, New York (Williamsburg)
(Autre adresse dans East Village)

The most ephemeral:

manhattan brooklyn visit grande pomme green card bonne adresse ou manger decouvrirDark chocolate ice cream covered in white chocolate and 3 toppings I completely forgot about!

To try for: the beautifully designed place and the great experience of having your Magnum ice cream dipped in chocolate in front of you!

Magnum PopUp
134 Prince Street
New York (SoHo)

The wildest:

manhattan brooklyn visit grande pomme green card bonne adresse ou manger decouvrir

Jack & Jill (peanut Butter and strawberry) & Strawberry cheesecake

To try: to be able to say “ I had ice cream made by an ex-con from Rikers” (and cause the ice cream is pretty good too!) 😉

Mikey likes It Ice Cream
199 Avenue A
New York (East Village)

The most incredible:

manhattan brooklyn visit grande pomme green card bonne adresse ou manger decouvrir

To try: instead of a meal (and definitely not AFTER) and because it’s huge, original and SO GOOD! I genuinely think this was one of the best dessert I’ve ever eaten. I mean, take a look at that thing!

199 Avenue A
New York (East Village)

You liked it? You want more? Don’t worry, I’m not done with my quest. Stay tuned, the second part is coming!

See ya!

19 Responses

  1. ohhhh punaise et dire que j’etais a New York il y a 2 semaines de cela et je n”ai meme pas goute a une seule glace grrrrr mais elles sont enormes la derniere c’est vrai qu’elle donne envie sans parler du gout qui doit etre a tomber
    grosse bise

  2. Certaines recettes ont l’air démentes et je dois dire que si je n’aime pas trop les sorbets et les glaces à la française, les glaces à la crème américaines me plaisent déjà beaucoup plus ^^ oh tu as été déçue par Shake Shak? c’est vrai que ça reste un fast food et non un restaurant de burgers gastronomiques, il ne faut pas en attendre trop, mais je trouve ça quand même plus sympa que mac do ou même le sacro saint burger king 😀

  3. Alors là…tu tombes à pic !! je pars à NY trés prochainement (j’ai hâte!!!!) je garde l’adresse Eggloo à East village, c’est la glace qui m’a fait craquer ; merci pour le partage de tes précieuses info !!

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