The essentials #2 | The kitchen

My tiny tiny lovely frog (Ok, let’s stop with the nicknames!) I am back with the second installment of this post, in which I was making a non exhaustive list of a few ridicoulous unique tools you can find in any stores in New York. Follow me, c’est par ici :


Un set of three peelers
(just to be completely sure that you’ll never find the one you need, when you precisely need it!)


A strawberry huller
(After this one, here is the beheading one. The one that forces you to use a knife after it, to cut the fruit in pieces. Or you have to use this one when you need the entire fruit, and the other one for slices. I don’t know anymore, they lost me!)


A mango splitter
(The perfect tool to snatch one of your fingers by forcing – because, obviously, the stone is going to be too big every other time – and then muck up all your kitchen.)


A crave watermelon
(I am not really sure about this one : I can totally conceive the fact that it can cut perfect vertically slices, but how are we supposed to remove the flesh from the skin? Cleanly.)


(My favourite)
An avo saver
(Obviously the fruit that loves the most being kept cutten in the refrigirator!) (But anyway, I find it soooo cute with that litlle strap, something between the seatbelt and the Village People’s outfit)


A kale stripper
(Kale is so trendy around here, that little tool is therefore a must-have to to do what you could easily do with your hands : separate the stalk from the leaf. But thanks, though.)


A tiny colander
(The Cher-et-Tendre loves to think about it being designed to prepare a lonely little french fry. I am pretty sure that’s just a tool for the chocolate fondue, but he’s so cute, I will let him enjoy his belief, what do you think?)


A rounded dough cutter
(In Europe,  wer are using cookie cutter or even – God forbid me – a glass if we don’t have any other thing ready. It seems to me that american people always have something ready!)


A hand-held banana cutter
(It could have been an «amaaaaaazing » time saver. But I bet you’ve already tried to get rid of smashed banana. So you can easily understand the “amaaaazing” waste of time the washing part will be.)


A nylon pan scraper
(I did not get it! Even by starring at the picture where a feminine hand is using it on a clean pan.)


Nicely shaped food containers
(Really nice, I must admit. But you can’t pile them because of their shape and having things living their own life in my refrigirator is freaking me out!)


A pizza box with a plastic fork
(Have you ever seen a pizza coming out from 8 hours in a fridge?)


A chop tool
(I am pretty sure that, usually, people are chopping meat before cooking it. But I may be wrong.) (I also wanted you to focus on the sogan “the only kitchen tool that chops ground meat in a fraction of the time. Did they ever heard about knifes? No? My bad!)


A salad knife
(I mean, really?)

21 Responses

    1. Ahahah ravie d’avoir fait une adepte 😉 (Bon, après je ne suis personnellement pas convaincue par tous les objets, mais c’est une autre histoire!) Merci de la visite 😉
      Bises, Amy

  1. Really enjoyed reading your blog! Your apartment search and all the other post about expatlife in NY. Love NY! Have visited NY many times,but not lived there. I had to cry so much because of laughing ,while reading through your kitchen essentials post!
    My husbands fav is the one that must be inspired by a medieval torturing tool (the angurello) and mine was the bananza😄.
    Your photos are beautiful and your blog too, hope to try out one of your delicious and tempting recipes soon!

    1. Thank you so much Annette, I am really happy I made you guys laugh! I love NY as well! Thank you again for your visit and your nice comment! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Tu as raison, il faut prendre les choses avec philosophie 😉 (Mais rassure-toi, je n’ai pas acheté le quart de ce que tu vois-là! Je ne saurai où mettre tous ces gadgets 😉 ) Bises, Amy

  2. Ahah tout est absolument génial! Ca me fait penser à ces articles improbables du “téléshopping” le matin! Sinon pour l’objet mystère, je me dis que c’est peut être pour donner un coup de propre avant d’utiliser la poêle et sans la rayer?

    1. Non mais exactement, je ne comprends d’ailleurs pas qu’il n’y ait pas (encore?) la petite démonstratrice dans le magasin!! Quant à ce petit article, c’est très possible, perso j’utilise une éponge mais enfin on est aux Amériques, ne l’oublions pas!

    1. C’est là tout le paradoxe du new yorkais: il ne cuisine pas, et sa cuisine à la taille d’une boite à chaussures, mais il se dote de gadgets complètements abracadabrants! Va comprendre! Bises!

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